Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What work? - Working Women Wednesday

Posted by Granny Girl

Psalm 90:16-17

"Let Your work appear to your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands."

As an unemployed person, I have unanswered questions about what work I will be doing in the future. Sometimes those questions become little niggling worries. Worries are not good. Then, God gives me a word to calm my worries and put my future back where it belongs - with Him. That's what the verses above were for me this morning, a word from God to calm my worries.

I took the work "establish the work of our hands" in two ways. First, God will establish which work will be the work of my hands. For this moment in time, my main job is to prepare my grandson for the rigors of junior high. And second, God will establish the work in that He will make it successful. I think Cameron is going to have a great school year!

Taking this verse and applying it to employment, I'm waiting on God to establish which job I will have. And then once I have a job, He will establish the work of my hands and help me be successful in the position.

Because God is the One establishing the work, the good stuff happens: "Let Your work appear to your servants, and Your glory to their children." If my children and grandchildren can see the glory of God shining through this process, then all is well.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Start Small and Big Things Will Happen!

by Granny Girl

In the book Draw the Circle, Mark Batterson writes a chapter about George Washington Carver. Carver rose at 4:00 a.m. every morning to go walking and praying. Carver wrote that he asked God to tell him why He created the universe, and God told him that was too big an idea for him.  So he asked why God created the earth, and God had the same response.  Through the whittling down of his questions, God led him to the idea of researching the mysteries of the lowly peanut. God told him to separate the peanut into water, fats, oils, gums, resins, sugars, starches, and amino acids. Then he was to recombine these under the laws of compatibility, temperature, and pressure. This seemingly small idea changed the world. Carver's obedience to the voice of God led him to discover hundreds of uses for peanuts. Every time we use fertilizer, wood stain, shaving cream, cosmetics or eat a PB&J we can thank Carver for his prayers and his obedience to God's leading.

I'm taking the lesson of this chapter and starting out on a sales career. I've always thought I was a born salesperson and now God has given me the opportunity (and the nudge) to take steps in that direction. My ultimate goal is to sell residential real estate. A few years ago God worked some miracles to allow me the time and money to go to real estate school and get my license. It has been on inactive status ever since but now God is telling me that it's time to act on it. Real estate is an expensive field to begin in, so I will start my sales career in a smaller way and begin selling jewelry. This will teach me the dynamics of sales and will provide an income to support me while I start up the real estate sales. This has been a long time coming. Like Carver, God had to whittle down my big ideas into workable steps. And God's word will be a "light unto my path" as I start on this new journey.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Working Women Wednesday - Between Jobs

by Granny Girl

I am currently happily unemployed.  I say happily because I can't change the fact that I have become jobless, but I can control how I handle it.  So, today's topic is on how to deal with being unemployed. Like I always say, "Life is 100% in how you take it!"

First of all, PRAY!  God is in control and He put me in this situation for my good and His glory. It's my responsibility as a believer to seek His will and to follow His leading.  Prayer is the first step in doing that.

Second, take time to recount to yourself the history of God's blessings in your life. That stops doubt in its tracks and turns your focus back to the true Provider.  Think about how He provided for the children of Israel for 40 years and they had no income!  Throughout my entire life God has provided my needs in His perfect timing, and He's not going to discontinue that.  He is a good God!

Third, use the extra time you have between jobs to prepare yourself for the busy days coming when you find your next job.  Get your closets and drawers organized.  Go through your wardrobe and make sure you have it ready to go. Plan meals and cook ahead. Spend time with your family. This summer has been one of my best summers ever, because I had time to spend with my family. God's timing is perfect.  He is a good God!

Fourth, take care of yourself.  I'm usually pretty good about this but recently,in order to save money, I hadn't replenished by herbal anti-depressant pills.  I figured since I didn't have the stress of a full-time job and I was at peace with life that I would be fine.  And I was, for awhile. Then I realized my emotions were becoming fragile.  I went outside yesterday morning and noticed my grandson hadn't finished mowing the back yard (this had already been a 2 day process of sending him back out to finish) and I just started crying.  I felt like a complete failure in child rearing and that escalated into remembering every mistake I had ever made in raising kids.  I was in full melt down mode when it dawned on me that I needed to go get my anti-depressants.  By not taking proper care of myself I was opening the door to discouragement.  Discouragement puts your focus on yourself and leads to self pity and all kinds of other destructive emotions. I went to the store and got the herbs.  Lesson learned!

Here are some verses that have strengthened and encouraged me during this time of unemployment:

Psa. 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old. Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread."

Psa. 65:11 "You crown the year with goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance."

Psa. 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
(This verse is printed on the inside of the lid of my egg carton.  I read it every morning!)

If you are unemployed, turn it all over to your Father who loves you.  He's going to do something fantastic for you!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Golden Moment

I'm so enjoying my time of unemployment because of one reason: it gives me time with my oldest grandson, Cameron.  Today I woke up early, had my quiet time, got some online business done, washed the car, bought some groceries and ate out with a friend.  When I got home in the early afternoon, I made Cameron finish mowing the yard he had started mowing on Saturday.  After awhile I realized the mower had stopped and Cameron was nowhere around.  Then I got a call from him.  He and a buddy were at the junior high school about half a block from our house "working out."  He wanted me to bring them some water bottles.

My first instinct was to say "No, you should have thought of that before you left so just walk your little self and get some water bottles."  But then I realized that I had a golden moment here!  I had the freedom of time.  I put four water bottles in a Wal-Mart bag and drove half a block (I'm not walking outside in Texas in August!) to the junior high playing field where a sweaty, grinning 12 year old came up to the car to get them.

Because I have worked full time his whole life and missed out on the daily blessing of being there for him for the little things, it was a very golden moment!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mama's 80th Birthday

by Granny Girl

Last weekend we celebrated my mother's 80th birthday in Branson, Missouri.  My parents live in Branson and Daddy is unable to travel, so that's where we gather.  Not everyone could make it, but a good number of us came.  Mama loves a good party.  We ate and played games and visited and hollered at kids who kept slamming doors and cooed over babies.  We swept floors and cooked and made beds.  I took my grandsons, then went and picked up Mama Mabel and Ladybug because their car was acting up so Coondog stayed home to work on it.  All of my grandchildren were there to see their great grandmama turn 80 years old.  They got to know their great uncles and aunts a little better and they really wanted to ride in Granddaddy's wheelchair.

The boys playing with Granddaddy. (hehe)

Youngest in the family playing with Grandmama.

Tallest grandson

Four generations

My grandsons with their great grandmama



My niece and her adorable baby

Cousin twins

My niece Nancy wrote this for her Grandmama.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


by Granny Girl

It's Saturday, my favorite day of the week. And I'm not even a working woman these days!  Being at home more actually makes Saturdays even more special because I have more time to relax and enjoy instead of frantically trying to catch up on housework, grocery shopping and errands.

I've made dairy free cinnamon rolls and gluten free brownies (allergies abound around here!) and taken the boys in for a haircut.  Two loads of laundry have been done and another in progress. Now I'm going to sit here and blog until my 22 year old comes home from his meandering and watches the younger two boys so I can take 12 year old Bigfoot to get new shoes.  His ten and a halfs are pinching his toes.  And we just bought them about 6 weeks ago!

I know this relaxing pace is going to end soon because I really must get a job soon.  But until I do I'm thinking of this as one long "staycation" and enjoying every minute of it!