Sunday, March 30, 2014


by Granny Girl

My friend, Juliet, came bearing gifts today. She had noticed that my new kitchen had no place to put paper towels and that my turntable for spices was driving me crazy because it didn't turn. And because Juliet is always thinking of others, she showed up today with this:

and this.

Now these are small items and may not seem like a big deal. But they are huge to me because they are yet another sign that God is in charge of my life and every detail in it. I currently have no income, yet my rent is paid and I have gas in my car and food in the pantry. My new house is completely furnished and most of the furniture was given to me. Juliet snuck in one day and placed these beautiful barstools in my kitchen.

I was in my bedroom and didn't even hear her come in the door! 

Another friend of mine just downsized from a two bedroom apartment to a tiny condo and has been giving me all the furniture she has can't fit in her condo. She gave me the rocking chair she bought when her first grandchild was born, a beautiful dresser, a desk, a mirror for my foyer, and a wonderfully big television that I can see from the kitchen while I'm cooking.  All of these things fit my needs perfectly!

Notice that a couple of my windows are needing curtains. I mentioned to Juliet that since God had so miraculously provided exactly what I needed for my house that I was now praying for curtains. She said she had recently helped our mutual friend, Vicki, settle in to her new home and she knew for a fact that Vicki had extra window coverings that would work perfectly on the windows in my living room and bedroom. Juliet is going to ask Vicki about them. What a friend! 

Through this outpouring of gifts, God has shown me that He provides for ALL my needs. He gives me friends who edify me, peace about my financial future, wonderfully supportive family, more than I can ever ask or think! I just look around me and see the tangible evidence of God's provision. 

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