by Granny Girl
I've been reading the daily devotional book 90 Days of God's Goodness by Randy Alcorn that is written on the premise that God's goodness is absolute and we must trust in it even when life hands us hardships. The author has diabetes and he has had to personally work through this idea that affliction is something God uses in our lives to reveal His goodness.
I've been learning the lesson of how God's goodness can be found in affliction for many years now. The afflictions of Type 2 Diabetes, gluten intolerance and various food sensitivities have proven to be blessings in disguise as they have forced me to learn about nutrition and required me to take care of myself with diet and exercise. I'm now very healthy and thankful to God for the physical afflictions that keep me on the straight and narrow. In another arena, the hardship of having a dysfunctional marriage and subsequent divorce showed me how good God is to meet all my needs in every way possible. He has provided lavishly for me, giving me everything I need and the joy of a peaceful home.
Now I'm going through what could be described as the hardship of unemployment, but I'm choosing to see it as an opportunity to trust in God's goodness. Why would I doubt a God who has never once let me down? I was thinking on that this morning when I read these verses:
Psa. 119:71-72 "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes. The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver."
Is that cool or what????
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