By Mama Mabel
Last night we heard a rumble coming up our driveway. It was one of our neighbors on his ATV, casually coming by to drop off a bucket of eggs. 30 eggs. All he asked was that we return the bucket so I transferred them to some empty egg cartons and handed it back. Apparently, he has more chickens than he needs so he has more eggs than he knows what to do with. He had just gathered these and some were still warm. He said to call when we need more or he'll just leave another bucket of them on our porch sometime. He also said that if we get our own chicken house, he'll give us some "white leggerns." (That's "white leghorns" for those of you who don't speak mountain folk talk.)
While he was there, he and Coondog discussed how they will pull down the dying tree that's threatening to fall on our roof if we let it stand through too many more storms. He's going to bring his tractor over and guide Coondog through the process. He's tickled to share his experience.
Not only is it nice to be part of such a sweet community, it's hilarious to me to have someone roar up on an ATV with a bucket of fresh eggs. I grew up in the big city. No one had chickens or ATVs or tractors to help you fell a tree. Now, we could eat for several days on the eggs and produce that have been handed to us lately by people who use their abundance of land to grow food and raise animals. It's such a different world and I love it.
I actually dreamed a few nights ago that I moved back to the city. Well, it was more of a nightmare. Everyone was in my personal space, there was nowhere for Ladybug to play, no peace and I couldn't see the stars at night. It was terrible! I woke up and pondered how this lady who swore to never live in the country now doesn't want to return to the city. I credit God's sense of humor. I'm so glad He has one like mine.
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