Thursday, June 6, 2013

Praying for your enemy

by Mama Mabel

Granny Girl and I were recently discussing the verse, "Pray for your enemy, bless those who spitefully use you."  How do you do this without being false?  God knows what your attitude is and that you don't really want good things to happen to them.  You're just praying out of obedience.  Over time, praying for them can help you adjust your attitude but let's be honest - they're your enemies for a reason:  they spitefully use you.  It's hard to get over that. 

So how do you do it?  Here's what we came up with:  "Let my heart be pure before You in my relationship with ___.  Please bless them with a relationship with You.  Thy will be done in their lives."

Nothing fake.  Just a desire to be pure before God and have His will done.  And if developing a relationship with God leads them to treat you more righteously, that's okay too.

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