Monday, June 3, 2013

Let's make a deal

I have a problem.  Well, I have a couple of problems, but one is very pressing at this moment.  I love chocolate.  A lot.  My brain thinks I need it every afternoon to get through the workday.  Like right now for example.  I'm trying to convince myself that I don't need to leave work, drive to a gas station and buy some chocolate covered peanut goodness.  The gas station is close by.  It's only a dollar.  I'd be so happy afterward and could finish my day strong. 

What gets to me is that I made cookies yesterday in anticipation of my afternoon sugar cravings.  No mysterious, unpronounceable ingredients (or ingredients that I can pronounce but know I don't want to put in my body), just good old fashions homemade deliciousness.  I forgot to bring said cookies to work.  Oh, the disappointment!

So I'm making myself a deal.  You see, I really want an oven and it bothers me that I fritter small amounts of money away on things like candybars when that money could be used for something better - like an oven.  I'm not against occasional splurges, but frequent frittering annoys me.  Chocolate is about to fall into that latter category.  So instead of heeding the impulse as I've come to do far too often the last few weeks, I'm going to squelch it.  I am creating an envelope marked "oven" and putting $1 in it.  I'll feel better about myself and be $1 closer to what I really want. 

Granny Girl and I were talking this weekend about how it's freeing to not spend irresponsibly and how it helps your spirit draw closer to God when you have your spending under control.  After all, self-control is part of the fruit of the Spirit and those who are faithful in the small things will be faithful in the big things.  So I'll be faithful in the chocolate related things to prove that I can be trusted with the kitchen appliance related things.  Makes sense, right?


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