Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Graham cracker sillies

When I got home last night, Ladybug was in high form.  She toddler jabbered then laughed at the side-splitting jokes she had just told.  She walked all around the room picking things up and putting them down and at times led me around to show me random things that made her giggle.  This included things like the knob on my hoosier cabinet drawer and the dog taking a nap.  She tried to scatter our paper plates over the whole kitchen floor as some sort of art project.  She told me a big story that I couldn't understand a word of but I was required to laugh and tell her how impressed I was by whatever she said.  After everything she did, she would squeal with delight.  She was just a big ol' mess of funny.

I finally had to ask her how she got so many sillies in one small body.  It turns out it was all from Graham crackers and milk.  She had been grumpy all day until Coondog offered her this wonderful treat. 

I think we've found her new daily snack.


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